On the search result of Waseda E-Resource Portal, you can check the databases whose contents can be searched in WINE "Article search".
If mark is displayed on the right of the database name, the contents of the database can be searched by WINE "article search" or "All items".
If mark is not displayed, the contents of the database cannot be searched by WINE even if the Waseda University Library subscribes it.
There are databases which are available to search on WINE even if they are unregistered in E-Resource Portal.
The excel file below is the list of databases which contents are searchable by WINE "Articles" search.
The results of "Articles" search do not include newspaper articles. In order to get search results of contents from newspaper databases (such as ProQuest Historical Newspapers, Times Digital Archive, etc.), use "Newspaper" search.
Regarding Japanese Newspapers, only "Asahi Shinbun" (Cross-Search) can be searched by WINE.
Below is the list of the other (Foreign) newspapers whose content can be searched by WINE "Newspapar" search.
In some databases, the contents that can be searched are partially limited. See below for details.
Waseda E-Resource Portal will display “制限あり / Limited” next to the icon, and click to check the details.