In following databases, contents that can be searched with WINE may partially be limited.
Although the index of CiNii Research is not included in WINE, major contents of CiNii Research such as J-STAGE, NDL Japanese Periodicals Index, Institutional Repository of Japanese universities (IRDB), Ichushi Web (Japan Medical Abstracts Society) and CrossRef can be seached by WINE. Therefore, almost all articles included in CiNii Research can be searched by WINE.
The following EBSCOhost databases cannot be searched by “Articles” search profile of WINE due to functional limitations. It can be searched by WINE when “Articles > EBSCOhost” search profile is selected.
* ERIC is included in both ProQuest and EBSCO, so it can be searched for either "Databases(excluding EBSCO)" and "EBSCOhost".
Japanese articles on cannot be searched by WINE.
“Free ebooks” in SpringerLink cannot be searched by WINE.