A guide to finding literature on psychology.
Below are some resources for finding people or events related to psychology.
Below are some resources for finding articles related to psychology written in Japanese.
Below are some resources for finding articles related to psychology written in foreign languages.
Citations and abstracts in psychology and related disciplines
NLM(米国国立医学図書館)提供の医学・生命系 索引データベース
PubMed is a free resource supporting the search and retrieval of biomedical and life sciences literature provided by NLM(The National Library of Medicine ).
The ERIC is a major resource for research in all areas of education. Produced by the US Department of Education. (Some documents are also available online from the ERIC website)
Full-text database of magazine concerning psychology.
SAGE full-text collections provides access to SAGE journal titles in the social sciences, humanities, medicine, engineering, and physical and life sciences.
Full text and abstract database in psychology and behavioral sciences
Search across many disciplines and sources: peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts and articles, from academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories, universities and other scholarly organizations.
Below are some resources for finding books related to psychology.
There are many manuals and explanations published on leading psychological scales and assessment techniques. These can be found using WINE. The reference books below contain summaries of several scales and assessments. Note that many psychological scales and assessment methods have only been presented in academic papers or articles: refer to the Find Journal Articles and Academic Papers page for search tips.