Journal articles and academic papers are essential to learning activities and research. Recently, the number of journal articles and academic papers that can be read online is increasing. Please make the most of the various databases and electronic journals to which Waseda University Library subscribes.
In addition to printed journals, Waseda subscribes to many electronic journals that can be read online. You can search them on WINE not only by journal title but also by title of single article. Please select “Articles” for the search profile, after you enter search words in the search window on WINE.
By using WINE, you can also search academic articles which are open to the public on Waseda University Repository.
Listed below are some of the major databases to search for papers and articles written in Japanese. To access the other databases, in "Find Databases" column in Waseda E-Resource Portal. Then you can narrow down the list of databases by academic field or by resource type.
The following databases cover English-Language papers and articles in a wide range of fields. To access the other databases, in "Find Databases" column in Waseda E-Resource Portal. Then you can narrow down the list of databases by academic field or by resource type.
Journals are published under the same title continuously at periodic or odd intervals, and every issue is given with unique volume/number. A single journal generally contains various articles or papers. To find a specific article or paper, you need its bibliography. In cases that you cannot access the full text of the article online, find out where the printed edition is located by using libraries’ catalogs after identifying the journal's title and its volume/number which contains the article.
** The following information are needed to find academic papers: author(s) of the paper, the paper’s title, the journal name, publication year, volume and number, page numbers. **
(ex:Japanese journal) 永田治樹. ライブラリーコンソーシアムの歴史と現状. 情報の科学と技術. 1997, 47(11), pp.566-573. |
(ex:Foreign journal) Kobayashi A.; Ohara-Takada A.; Tsuda S.; et al. Breeding of potato variety "Inca-no-hitomi" with a very high carotenoid content. Breeding Science. 2008, 58(1), pp.77-82. |
If the journal is not available at Waseda, please check whether it is held by Keio University. Waseda students and faculty can visit Keio libraries and also request the photocopies of the article from Keio on favorable conditions. You can search collections of Waseda and Keio at once by selecting “Library Catalog and E-Resources (SOKEI*)” for the search profile on WINE.
*SOKEI is abbreviation of “Waseda & Keio” in Japanese.
If the material you are looking for is not held by either Waseda or Keio, you can search the collections of other libraries in Japan. Waseda can request the use of the material to off-campus libraries on your behalf.
If the journal or magazine you are looking for is not available in Japan, you can request the photocopy of the material from overseas libraries. Please note that getting photocopies from overseas libraries is more expensive and takes more time than from libraries in Japan.