現在、一時的に学外アクセスが不安定な状況です。提供元にて原因調査中です。ご不便をお掛け致しますが、解消まで今暫くお待ちください。 (2025/3/10 14:00 時点)
Currently, off-campus access is temporarily unstable. The provider is investigating the cause. We apologize for the inconvenience and ask for your patience until the problem is resolved. (As of 14:00, March 10, 2025 JST)
⇒ 解消しました/ Resolved. (2025-03-11 09:00)
Encyclopedias, dictionaries and databases
(警告)機械的な大量ダウンロードは禁止されています。// (Warning) Users are strictly prohibited to download data through automatic programming.
「先読み機能」の停止をお願いいたします。// "Link Prefetching" of web browsers may cause the large volume data downloads / access even though you do not intend to do so. Please disable this function through your web browser for the proper use.
同時アクセス数 / Number of concurrent users: 制限なし Not limited
雑誌「太陽」、「文藝倶楽部 明治篇」、「第一高等学校校友会雑誌」、「滝田樗陰旧蔵近代作家原稿集」の画像データベースで、4種の横断検索ができる。
Journal archive for "Taiyo", "Bungei Club", "Daiichi Koutougakko Koyukai Zasshi" , and "Takita Choin Kyuuzo Kindaisakka Genkoshuu"
同時アクセス数 / Number of concurrent users: 10
About 36,000 ancient documents from Kamakura Period collected by Rizo Takeuchi
同時アクセス数 / Number of concurrent users: 制限なし Not limited
It is an 11-volume collection of historical materials published by Rizo Takeuchi over a period of more than 20 years. Approximately 5,530 ancient documents from the Heian period can be searched in full-text.
同時アクセス数 / Number of concurrent users: 制限なし Not limited
「史料纂集」は歴史研究・文化研究上必須の重要史料を、文字起こし(翻刻)した一大史料集成である。そのうち、第1期 古記録編 平安・鎌倉・南北朝 および 第2期 古記録編 室町・戦国(1)~(3)を収録。
"Shiryo Sanshu'' is a large collection of historical materials that are transcribed (transcribed) of important historical materials that are essential for historical and cultural research. Of these, the first period old records Heian, Kamakura, Nanbokucho and the second period old records Muromachi and Sengoku (1), (2)and(3) are included.
同時アクセス数 / Number of concurrent users: 制限なし Not limited
Contains "Bungeishunju" Volume 1, No. 1 to Volume 53, No. 12 (1923-1975).
同時アクセス数 / Number of concurrent users: 制限なし Not limited
This is a major series of basic Japanese history materials that has been newly published by significantly increasing the number of books in the 1st and 2nd ``Kokushi Taikei'' published in the Meiji and Taisho periods, with rigorous revisions.
同時アクセス数 / Number of concurrent users: 制限なし Not limited