(大学契約データベース)昭和24年~35年(1949~1960)の東証一部上場企業約670社13,500件の有価証券報告書が閲覧できる。 なお、後述の通り、有価証券報告書に先行する営業報告書と目論見書も収録されている。
Business Archives Online consists of 4 databases. "Annual Reports"(1877-1950) which contains business records including financial statements and company annual reports, "Prospectus" (1920's-30's mainly) which is a collection of documents detailing future projects and their prospects along with comparative financial statements over several accounting periods, "Annual Securities Reports" (of which Part 2: 1949-1960 only subscribed) and "Elimination of excessive concentrations of economic power law." Searchable PDF images with indexed data such as: financial, industry classification and related companies. It can also be browsed by company name, related names, industry or date.
収録内容 / Contents
本データベースは、マイクロフィルム版 「営業報告書集成」第1~9集 全2350リール(1966~2008年 雄松堂書店刊)所収の営業報告書に、新資料約1200件を加え、明治10~昭和25年(1877~1950年)頃のものを中心に約1万社16万件を収録したものである。
本データベースは、東京大学経済学部所蔵の目論見書約1800社4070件に、マイクロフィルム版 「営業報告書集成」中に含まれていた目論見書、新資料を加え、約2100社4630件を収録したものである。多くは昭和23年(1948年)以降発行の増資目論見書、新株式発行目論見書、社債発行目論見書で、昭和20年代のものが中心であるが、戦前の起業目論見書、設立趣意書なども含み、古いところでは明治43年(1910年)7月の「帝国製糖目論見書・定款」などがある。
●有価証券報告書(第2期 1949-1960 のみ)
●Annual Reports (1877-1950)
This database was originally published by Yushodo Co., Ltd. in microfilm as “Eigyo Hokokusho Shusei ? Collected Annual Reports of major companies in Japan, 1872-1945” in 9 series from 1966 to 2008. 1,200 records have been added for the online version. Available for approximately 10,000 companies, 160,000 business records. Annual reports, financial statements, lists of shareholders, balance sheets, articles of incorporation, board meeting memorandums, and related articles.
This database consists of a collection of prospectuses at the Department of Economics at Tokyo University available for approximately 1,800 companies and 4,070 records, and prospectuses found in Eigyo Hokokusho Shusei, bringing the total to about 2,100 companies and 4,630 records.
Mainly investment prospectuses, stock offering prospectuses, and bond offering prospectuses from the 1950s, but also includes prospectuses from the prewar period.
●Annual Securities Reports (Part 2, 1949-1960 only)
This database consists of annual securities reports with corrections and additional reports of approximately 670 companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. A total of 13,500 records between 1949 and 1960 are available in PDF.
●Elimination of excessive concentrations of economic power law
After the WW II, the Japanese 253 companies were designated by elimination of excessive concentrations of economic power law.
This collection includes the official records & other documents which were prepared by those companies to provide Holding Company Liquidation Commission.
These are concise statements on excessive concentration in industrial fields.
利用方法 / How to use
User guide in Japanese only. Click the link to "使用方法" on the"Business Archives Online" search screen.
注意事項 / Notes
If you receive a "Forbidden" error message and cannot access the database, please follow the steps below to clear your browser cookies.
提供元 / Sponsor
商学学術院 / Faculty of Commerce
キーワード / Keywords
丸善雄松堂株式会社 / MARUZEN-YUSHODO Co.