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05. 早稲田大学修士論文を利用する/Find Masters Theses (Waseda): English


Access policies differ for each graduate school. The Library does not issue a letter of introduction or permission to use these libraries.

Masters Theses・Research Papers: Graduate School of Political Science

Masters Theses・Research Papers: Graduate School of Political Science

Qualifications and Conditions for Use Full-time faculty at the faculty of Political Science and Economics. 
Current students at the Graduate School of Political Science and Graduate School of Economics.
Services Browsing: Permitted under certain conditions / Copying: Not permitted / Borrowing: Not permitted
Application Request at the location
Administration Office of the Graduate School of Political Science 
03(3208)8534(x 71-3114)
Location #3 Building, Lee Kun-Hee Commemorative Library (FPSE Faculty Library)
03(3207)5647(x 71-3283)
Search Method Catalog (in FPSE Faculty Library)

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Economics

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Economics

Qualifications and Conditions for Use Full-time faculty at the faculty of Political Science and Economics. 
Current students at the Graduate School of Political Science and Graduate School of Economics.
Services Browsing: Permitted under certain conditions / Copying: Not permitted / Borrowing: Not permitted
Application Request at the location
Administration Graduate School of Economics Office
03(3208)8560(x 71-3503)
Location #3 Building, Lee Kun-Hee Commemorative Library (FPSE Faculty Library)
03(3207)5647(x 71-3283)
Search Method Catalog (in FPSE Faculty Library)

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Law

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Law

Qualifications and Conditions for Use Faculty, staff and current students of the Graduate School of Law (Including non-degree and research students).
Other users: by permission.
Only permitted for the purpose of referring to a thesis format for writing a masters thesis. Refer to Browsing Masters Theses at the Graduate School of Law (in Japanese Only) for more information.
Services Browsing: Permitted under certain conditions / Copying: Permitted for authors only (By permission) / Borrowing: Not permitted
Application Law school students: Submit an application at Graduate School of Law Student Reading Room.
Faculty and staff: Submit an application at Graduate School of Law (Administration Office)
Other users: An application can be submitted only when users can identify the author and the year submitted. Cannot browse on the same day. When the author applies for the permission to copy the thesis written by him/herself, please be sure to fill out the application form and write the purpose of making a copy. And ID of the author him/herself is also required. In case the agent makes a copy on behalf of the author, a letter of attorney issued by the author is required.
Administration Graduate School of Law (Administration Office), #8 Building 03(3232)3924
(x 71-3134)
Location Current law school students: Student Reading Room, Graduate School of Law
Other users:#8 Building Center for Legal Resources
Holdings (Storage) Around 1953- (Student Reading Room, Graduate School of Law: from 1994 ; Honjo Deposit Library: All collections). Collections at Honjo Deposit Library cannot be browsed on the same day.
Search Method "HOKENRONSHU/THE GRADUATE SCHOOL LAW REVIEW" (Graduate essays submitted on the previous year are published on and after September of each year.),
"Waseda Daigaku Toshokan Kiyo" #21 (1953-1980)

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences

Qualifications and Conditions for Use By permission. Refer to the "Browsing Masters Theses at the Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences" (In Japanese Only) for more information.
Users from other universities should submit inquiries by fax sending to Toyama Library from library you belong to.
Toyama Library FAX 03(5286)3539
Services Browsing: Permitted under certain conditions / Copying and borrowing(*): Permitted for author and faculty only (By permission)
*Borrowing is available for the thesis submitted before AY2017 ONLY.
Application An application can be submitted to Toyama Library after filling out the request form and receiving permission from the Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences.
Administration #34 Building (Toyama Campus), Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences (in Administrative Office, Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences) 03(3203)4381(x72-2104)
Location #38 Building (Toyama Campus), Toyama Library 03(5286)0589(x72-2555)
Holdings (Storage) Master’s Thesis submitted before AY2017: All collections (located at the Honjo Deposit Library) cannot be browsed on the same day.
Master’s Thesis submitted after AY2018: Electronic editions only. Browsing is permitted at the designated PC in Toyama Library.
Search Method Refer to the list at the Toyama Library Reference Desk or "Bulletin of the Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences of Waseda University".

Masters Theses, MBA Degree Theses, Project Research Paper:Graduate School of Commerce

Masters Theses, MBA Degree Theses, Project Research Paper:Graduate School of Commerce

Qualifications and Conditions for Use Current students at graduate schools in the Faculty of Commerce.
*Authors are allowed to browse their own master’s thesis only after the completion of the course.
Faculty (Including Part-time lecturer) and Staff of the Faculty of Commerce.
Services Browsing: Permitted under certain conditions / Copying: Not permitted / Borrowing: Not permitted
Application Request at the location
Administration #11 Building 3F, Administrative Office, Graduate School of Commerce
03(5286)1821 (x71-6119)
Location #11 Building 10F, Faculty of Commerce Library
03(5286)1824 (x71-6153)
Holdings (Storage) 1952-(MBA 2007~) (in Faculty of Commerce Library)
Masters theses from the Graduate School of Commerce are shelved together with theses from other courses.
Search Method Catalog (in Faculty of Commerce Library)
※Some theses are available at Waseda University Repository(From AY2009 March completion, Only for the theses which authors gave permission)

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Science and Engineering

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Science and Engineering

(Admission is stopped from 2007)
Because each laboratory has its own administration, it is difficult to check/allow use by persons not affiliated with this laboratory.

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering

(Established: 2007)
Because each laboratory has its own administration, it is difficult to check/allow use by persons not affiliated with this laboratory.

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering

(Established: 2007)
Because each laboratory has its own administration, it is difficult to check/allow use by persons not affiliated with this laboratory.

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering

(Established: 2007)
Because each laboratory has its own administration, it is difficult to check/allow use by persons not affiliated with this laboratory.

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Education

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Education

Qualifications and Conditions for Use

Faculty and current students at the Graduate School of Education. Other users by permission (permission from full-time faculty at the Graduate School of Education).

Services Browsing: Permitted under certain conditions / Copying: Not permitted / Borrowing: Not permitted
Application Request at the location
Administration #16 Building, Administrative office,Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Science 03(3203)2379(x71-8734)
Location #16 Building, School Library, School of Education 03(3208)8434 (x71-3832)
Holdings (Storage) All *Except Graduate School of Teacher Education(in School Library, School of Education)
Search Method List (in School Library, School of Education), Also, see "The Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education of Waseda University (separate volume)"

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Human Sciences

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Human Sciences

Qualifications and Conditions for Use No restrictions
Services Browsing: Permitted / Copying: Not permitted / Borrowing: Not permitted / ILL: Not permitted
Application Usage is provided with an application. 
Refer to: (In Japanese Only)
Administration Administrative office,Faculty of Human Sciences(Academic Affairs)
#100 Building, Graduate School of Human Sciences (Tokorozawa Campus) 04(2947)6848(x76-2190)
Location #100 Building, Tokorozawa Library (Tokorozawa Campus) 04(2947)6705(x 76-2403)
Holdings (Storage) All (Within Tokorozawa Library)
Search Method 1. Thesis Title
Year 1996- : Refer to "Masters Thesis Title" (Author, Title) (In Japanese Only) listed on the Graduate School of Human Sciences website.
※Titles of the masters theses from 1992 (School Established) -1995 are not listed on the website.
2. Abstract
1992-2003 : " Human Science Research" Vol. 2-13 (1993-2004 published) (Print version only)
2004- : "Waseda Journal of Human Sciences" Supplement (No.18: March 25, 2005-) (In Japanese Only)
3. Full Text
1992-2004: In print & bound. [by request at the counter]
2005- : Electronic editions only. "Masters thesis collection of the Graduate School of Human Sciences" Full texts are available in CD-ROM (By year) [By request at the counter] 

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Social Sciences

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Social Sciences

Qualifications and Conditions for Use Faculty and current students at the Graduate School of Social Sciences
Services Browsing: Permitted / Copying: Not permitted / Borrowing: Not permitted
Application Inquiry to administration
Administration #14 Building, Administrative Office, Faculty of Social Sciences 03(3204)8952(x71-6426)
Location #14 Building, School Library, Graduate School of Social Sciences 03(3204)8953(x71-6450)
Holdings (Storage) All (in School Library, School of Social Sciences)
Search Method Refer to lists (in School Library, School of Social Sciences), "Waseda Review of Socio-Science" (Graduate School of Social Sciences Bulletin)

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Sport Sciences

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Sport Sciences

(Established in 2006)

Application Abstract and Full Text: Only the theses which authors gave permission are available from on or off campus network. 
Master Theses (One-year program), Master Theses (Two-year program) ,Research paper
Administration Graduate School of Sport Sciences

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies

(Established in 1998)

Qualifications and Conditions for Use Waseda faculty and current students at the Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies
Services Browsing: Permitted (Only for the theses which authors gave permission)/ Copying: Not permitted / Borrowing: Not permitted
Application None. Qualified user can check the PDF file by using the PC for browsing without application.
Administration #19 Building 8F, Asia-Pacific Library 03(5286)9744(x78-6561)
Location #19 Building 8F, Asia-Pacific Library 03(5286)9744(x78-6561)
Holdings (Storage) All (Asia-Pacific Library) Only PDF files.
Search Method None

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Global Information and Telecommunication Studies

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Global Information and Telecommunication Studies

(Established in 2000, Admission is stopped from 2014)

Because each laboratory has its own administration, it is difficult to check/allow use by persons not affiliated with this laboratory.

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Japanese Applied Linguistics

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Japanese Applied Linguistics

(Established in 2001)

Qualifications and Conditions for Use Waseda faculty & staff, current and former students of the Graduate School of Japanese Applied Linguistics. Other users with permission.
Services Browsing: Permitted (Only for the theses which authors gave permission) / Copying: Not permitted / Borrowing: Not permitted
Application For details, refer to "Access to the masters thesis at the Graduate School of Japanese Applied Linguistics" (In Japanese Only)
Administration #19 Building 8F, Office of the Graduate School of Japanese Applied Linguistics 
03 (5286) 2750
Location ・GSJAL regular student: Online storage
・Other users: #19 Building 8F, GSJAL Office
Holdings (Storage) All collections (#19 Building 8F, GSJAL Office)
Search Method Refer to "Access to the masters thesis at the Graduate School of Japanese Applied Linguistics" (In Japanese Only)

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems

(Established in 2003)

Please submit inquiries about confirmation and use to each laboratory due to management

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering

Masters Theses: Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering

(Established in 2007)

Qualifications and Conditions for Use Qualifications: Waseda faculty & staff, current students at the Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering.
Conditions: Approval of faculty at the Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering is required.
Services Browsing: Permitted under certain conditions / Copying: Not permitted / Borrowing: Not permitted
Application Inquiries to Administration

Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering
Place to contact: #29-7 Building (WasedaCampus), Administrative Office,
Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering

Location In principle, in the laboratories at the graduate school
Holdings (Storage) 2008-

Masters Theses: The Okuma School of Public Management

Masters Theses: The Okuma School of Public Management

(Admission is stopped from 2012)

Qualifications and Conditions for Use Full-time faculty at the faculty of Political Science and Economics. 
Current students at the Graduate School of Political Science and Graduate School of Economics. 
Services Browsing: Permitted under certain conditions / Copying: Not permitted / Borrowing: Not permitted
Application Request at the location
Administration Office of the Graduate School of Political Science
Location #3 Building, Lee Kun-Hee Commemorative Library (FPSE Faculty Library)
Search Method Catalog (in FPSE Faculty Library)

MBA Degree Theses, Research Papers: Graduate School of Accountancy

MBA Degree Theses, Research Papers: Graduate School of Accountancy

(Established in 2005)

Qualifications and Conditions for Use Current students at graduate schools in the Faculty of Commerce.
*Authors are allowed to browse their own master’s thesis only after the completion of the course.
Faculty (Including Part-time lecturer) and Staff of the Faculty of Commerce.
Services Browsing: Permitted under certain conditions / Copying: Not permitted / Borrowing: Not permitted
Application Request at the location
Administration #11 Building 3F, Administrative Office, Graduate School of Accountancy
Location #11 Building 10F, Faculty of Commerce Library
03(5286)1824 (x71-6153)
Search Method Catalog (in Faculty of Commerce Library)
※Some theses are available at Waseda University Repository(From AY2009, Only for the theses which authors gave permission)

Masters Theses: Graduate School of International Culture and Communication Studies

Masters Theses: Graduate School of International Culture and Communication Studies

(Established in 2013)

Because each laboratory has its own administration, it is difficult to check/allow use by persons not affiliated with this laboratory.

Master Thesis, Research Papers: Graduate School of Business and Finance

Master Thesis, Research Papers: Graduate School of Business and Finance

(Established 2016)

Qualifications and Conditions for Use Current students at graduate schools in the Faculty of Commerce.
*Authors are allowed to browse their own master’s thesis only after the completion of the course.
Faculty (Including Part-time lecturer) and Staff of the Faculty of Commerce.
Services Browsing: Permitted under certain conditions / Copying: Not permitted / Borrowing: Not permitted
Application Request at the location
Administration #11 Building 3F, Administrative Office, Graduate School of Business and Finance
03(5286)8719 (x71-3154)
Location #11 Building 10F, Faculty of Commerce Library
03(5286)1824 (x71-6153)
Search Method Catalog (in Faculty of Commerce Library)
※Some theses are available at Waseda University Repository(From AY2016, Only for the theses which authors gave permission)