Contains 1100 essays on applied linguistics, such as language acquisition and education, bi- and multilingualism, language tests, corpus linguistics, disourse analysis, language politics and planning.
主題は、言語学習と教育、定性的および定量的手法、バイリンガリズムとマルチリンガリズム、World Englishes(ワールド・イングリッシーズ)など広範に及びます。1,100の見出し項目を通じて、古典的な研究主題から最新トピックまで、応用言語学における主要な概念とその発展の過程を漏らさず辿ります。応用言語学の発展に貢献した250人の伝記情報も併せて収録しています。
This is an encyclopedia covering all areas of applied linguistics.
Topics range from language learning and teaching, qualitative and quantitative methods, bilingualism and multilingualism, and World Englishes. Through 1,100 headings, we trace all the major concepts in applied linguistics and their development, from classic research subjects to hot topics. It also includes biographical information on 250 people who have contributed to the development of applied linguistics.
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Applied linguistics