早稲田大学で契約している電子資料(データベース・電子ジャーナル・電子ブック)や図書館員が選んだ有用なWebサイトなどの学術情報資源が登録されています。 / This site lists e-resources (databases, online journals & e-books) that Waseda subscribes to as well as useful websites selected by our librarians.
The complete archive of the Hague Academy courses, dating back to their inception in 1923, and supplemented by other related works.
「史料纂集」は歴史研究・文化研究上必須の重要史料を、文字起こし(翻刻)した一大史料集成である。そのうち、第1期 古記録編 平安・鎌倉・南北朝 および 第2期 古記録編 室町・戦国(1)~(3)を収録。 "Shiryo Sanshu'' is a large collection of historical materials that are transcribed (transcribed) of important historical materials that are essential for historical and cultural research. Of these, the first period old records Heian, Kamakura, Nanbokucho and the second period old records Muromachi and Sengoku (1), (2)and(3) are included.
江戸川乱歩が収集、整理、保存した膨大な資料が貼り付けられたスクラップブック「貼雑年譜」全9巻を、横断的に検索・閲覧できるデータベース。 第1巻、第2巻は過去に復刻出版されたことがあるが、第3巻以降はほぼ未公開資料となっており、初めて全面公開となる。 A database that allows you to cross-search and view all 9 volumes of the scrapbook "HARIMAZE Nenpu", which contains the vast amount of materials collected, organized, and preserved by Ranpo Edogawa. Volumes 1 and 2 have been reprinted in the past, but volumes 3 and onwards are mostly unpublished material, and this is the first time that they have been fully published.
本コレクションは、カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校に所蔵されるスペイン内戦期(1936 年から 1939 年)の書籍、パンフレット、雑誌、ポスター、手稿など、約 13,000 点の中から、3,000 点のパンフレットを収録しています。 ※本コレクションは、Primary Source Media のマイクロフィルム ”Spanish Civil War Collection” を電子化したものです。 This collection consists of 3,000 items out of approximately 13,000 books, pamphlets, magazines, posters, manuscripts, etc. from the Spanish Civil War period (1936-1939) collected by Southworth and currently housed at the University of California, San Diego. Equipped with a pamphlet. *This collection is a digital version of Primary Source Media's microfilm "Spanish Civil War Collection".
As the only digital version worldwide based on the first-hand original bronze/stone rubbings, rather than second-hand documents, database “China Bronze and Stone Rubbings Collection” compiles exclusively 81800 kinds of original bronze/stone rubbings with full text (63 million characters of inscriptions) and full images (111,858 tablets). Including excavations and on-the-ground remains from China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, America, France, Sweden, Southeast Asia and South Asia, from Pre-Qin to the beginning of 21st century (221 B.C. –2000 A.D.), the database gathers the most complete Chinese bronze/stone rubbings and inscriptions globally.